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So the NFL says Mr. Jones can keep the giant videotron in the field of play. Someone got greased on that deal.
One thing that bothers me is the fact the engineer's hung this to low and if they made that mistake, How do I know there are no mistakes on hanging the dam thing. If I was a player I would not want to play under the huge videotron. The Union should ask for danger pay when playing on the Cowboy's field.
Also I think Tony Romo had something to do with its location. Maybe he is thinking about getting back with Jessica Simpson and would like to see her in his pink jersey on the largest tv in the world. Maybe Romo will look up to the screen and see wide receivers open down field..
Aug. 28 Michael Vick finally got back on to the field and the fans of philly cheered on their feet. Good for him and Philadelphia. The man paid his debt to society and should be back in the NFL. Hats off to the NFL commissioner. Hats off to the Eagles mang. in making that choice. I would not be surprised to Dononvan stuggle again in the middle of the season and the fans cheering for Vick to be put in. Hopefully they all remain healthy and have a great year.
Brett Favre the king of flip flop. Actually he probaly would have not been a flip flop if Green Bay released him last year and let him play for whomever (Vikings). The Vikings needed a high caliber QB to make opposing defenses quit overloading Adrian Peterson...
Baseball Recent News
August 2009
Waiting for a new baseball league to form were players can use steroids if they wish... Oh wait we already have that...
Golf Recent News
August 2009 Biggest headline of the Year for Golf is Tiger's comeback or Tiger getting a goose egg for majors.